Hi Everyone! Hope you´re having a great day!
El tema de hoy es muy importante porque sin importar cuál sea nuestra área de trabajo, todos estamos expuestos a una realidad: atender a los clientes. Ya sea que tengamos nuestra propia empresa o trabajemos para una, en algún momento seremos la " cara " de la empresa para la que estamos laborando. Si damos una mala atención, la persona se quedará con una idea errónea de la compañía, afectando así la productividad de la misma y su imagen ante potenciales clientes.
Este aspecto toma más relevancia aún cuando debemos atender a una persona y además, en inglés. La situación se torna aún más delicada pues no es cualquier expresión que se utiliza y alguna idea mal utilizada puede generar una mala interpretación.
Afortunadamente, existen guías que nos permiten mejorar en este aspecto sin necesidad de ser bilingües y prestar un buen servicio a quienes lo requieren.
Es por ello que hoy te presento un video muy valioso de la página que en otro momento te había comentado: www.engvid.com. Ellos cuentan con con diversas clases de inglés de uso cotidiano que usualmente no encontraremos en ninguna otra plataforma.
Para facilitarte la comprensión del video, te adjunto un documento con la explicación de la profesora Emma y las ideas de forma organizada para que practiques en casa. Espero que te sea de gran utilidad y espero tus comentarios para poderte apoyar. Al final del video encontrarás un quiz para que valores tu avance. Puedes abrirlo aquí: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-give-great-customer-service-the-last-method/
"Hello. My name is Emma and in today´s video I´m going to teach you a
very, very important thing for customer service. I used to work in customer
service and this is actually one of the most important things I learned. And
this is called the L-A-S-T or LAST approach.
So, to get started, let´s talk a little bit about what is customer service. So customer service
is when you have customers, of course, and you´re trying to make your customers
as comfortable and happy as possible.
You´re also trying to meet their needs and expectations, and solve any problems
or situations that they might have. So, customer service is a huge category.
There´s many,many different jobs where
you use customer service. If you work in
a hotel, for example, as a clerk, you know, in the lobby, as a bellhop, you
will be using customer service. If you work at a restaurant as a server, you´ll
be using customer service, or as a hostess. If you´re the manager of a store,
you´ll be using customer service. If you work in a business or even in a
hospital, you´ll be using customer service. So, pretty much any time you´re
dealing with people from the public and they´re customers, and you´re trying to
help them, you´re doing customer service.
So, there are many different problems that a
customer might have. What are some examples of some problems? Can you think of
anything ? A problem a customer might have? Maybe somebody charged them too
much for something, may they´re in a store and lineups are too long. Maybe a
customer is a at hotel and they´re very unhappy because the Wi-Fi isn´t working
or their beds are uncomfortable. So there´s so many different problems
customers might have at different types of businesses.
So, a very easy thing to do when a customer has a problem is
called the LAST approach."
Find out
what the problem is:
seems to be the problem?
How can
I help you?
you´re listening:
So, what
you´re saying is….
Let me
get this right…..
If the
person is rude:
I really
want to help you, but your language is getting in the way.
understand that you´re frustrated. Please calm down so I can help.
Apologize ( disculparse)
I´m sorry you´ve had a bad experience.
Solve ( resolver)
If you can solve:
what we´re going to do to help you.
If you can´t solve:
I´m not
sure how to resolve this situation. Let me check with my manager/supervisor
Thank ( agradecer)
Thank you for letting us know about this situation.
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